Bad Breath: Don’t Just Mask It, Stop It!
Walking around with bad breath is something that is not only an indication of your health but also a nuisance to those around you.
One of the most common causes of bad breath is the buildup of germs and bacteria inside your mouth. When it is not cleaned regularly, over time a condition is known as halitosis or persistent bad breath ensues. This oral condition is something everyone can do without, as it is particularly a nuisance to people you regularly come into contact with.
Dr. Boinpally and her expert team has been providing dental services in the North suburbs of Chicago for a better part of 10 years and is a staunch supporter of effectively eliminating the causes of halitosis rather than aiming to mask them.
Speaking of what causes bad breath, you might actually find some of them surprising.
1. Poor Oral Hygiene can Cause Bad Breath
This particular cause may not be very surprising, though, as not brushing your teeth even for a day can send people scurrying in the opposite direction when they see you. Thought obvious this is the leading factor of halitosis
One of the most common causes of bad breath is food buildup in your mouth. Whenever you eat, tiny particles of food can stick to your teeth and sometimes become lodged between them. This can cause bacteria to build up inside your mouth, change the pH chemistry of the mouth, and emit an unpleasant odor. Now you know why your coworkers make that face when you greet them in the morning.
Brushing and flossing after every meal helps remove these food particles and neutralizes the pH thus preventing the bacteria buildup that often leads to bad breath.
2. Drink Lots of Water to Prevent Bad Breath
Even if you cannot brush your teeth right after every meal, ample drinking water should help clear away leftover food particles. This will result in fewer bacteria buildup closer to neutral pH and in turn preventing bad breath from occurring. It is better to drink water after meals rather than sugary drinks, as sugar exacerbates the buildup of bacteria.
3. Bad Breath and Alcohol
When alcohol is consumed, it passes directly into the bloodstream through the small intestine and lining of your stomach.
This route bypasses the standard digestive process, which means any harmful substances you’re ingesting are not broken down properly along the digestive chain. This harms your internal organs including the esophagus, which also causes bad breath.
Alcohol causes excessive retching and burping, which lead to reflux of acids and chemicals from inside your body that finds their way to your mouth. So alcohol is one of the leading sources of bad breath.
4. Skipping Breakfast May Cause Bad Breath
Saliva is a naturally occurring substance in our body that keeps your mouth, esophagus and digestive tract clean and neutralized. Breaking your fast in the morning helps regenerate saliva so that the digestive system can continue to do its job. Skipping breakfast brings this entire process to a halt, allows pH to rise in your mouth that not only leads to dryness but also bad breath.